The Drop In Library
Welcome to our new library page!!! You can browse our collection by category, alphabetically or by searching key words.
We have books covering many topics of parenting and family life.
We also have a selection of children’s books devoted to life topic, such as potty training, new baby, and socializing issues.
When you visit the family centre, you can leave your child with the playroom staff while you visit the library in the Adult area. If you are a member, you can sign books out. This is done in-person at the family centre. As well as the books in the catalogue, there is a collection of general picture books for children.
To discover our collection, please CLICK HERE.
For any questions, please contact us at 604-872-6757 or info@mpfcs.ca.
Family Library at the Family Centre
Other Family Drop In Programs
For babies who are not yet walking
Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00pm
This drop-in is focused on babies under one year. Explore their needs and developmental stages and learn ways to support your baby through attachment and healthy growth. Parents also have the opportunity to build their confidence through community. No childcare is offered for older children during this drop-in.
Saturdays 9:30 to 11:30am (Excluding long weekends)
This program is for dads and male caregivers with children 0 - 6 years old. A play based program featuring play time in a well-resourced early learning environment, circle time with songs and stories, and outdoor play!