Family Drop In
Our Robson Park Family Drop-In is open Monday to Thursday from 9:30 to 11:30am and Monday to Wednesday 1:00 to 3:00pm for families and providers (daycares, nannies, babysitters, friends) with children aged infant to six years old.
Our Baby Drop-In for families with babies who are not yet walking, is on Thursday 1:00 to 3:00pm.
Our Dad's Drop-In for dads and male caregivers with children 0-6 years old, is on Saturday 9:30 to 11:30am.
The Drop In is a Cell Phone Free zone!
Drop in activities for children include:
Free play time in our well-resourced early learning environment
Family time, where children and adults join together to sing, share stories and snack
Outdoor play time
Community Health Nurse visit
School Readiness Program
Drop in activities for adults include:
Skills workshops
Health workshops and clinics
Individual & family support
Referrals to other community resources
Family field trips
For any questions, please contact us at 604-872-6757 or info@mpfcs.ca
FAMILY DROP-IN @ Robson Park
Other Family Drop In Programs
For babies who are not yet walking
Thursdays from1:00 to 3:00pm
This drop-in is focused on babies under one year. Explore their needs, developmental stages, and learn ways to support your baby through attachment and healthy growth. Parents also have the opportunity to build their confidence through community and create connections with other families.
We provide refreshments and facilitate circle time with songs in the playroom/common area.
No childcare is offered for older children during this drop-in.
Saturdays 9:30 to 11:30am (Excluding long weekends)
This program is for dads and male caregivers with children 0 - 6 years old. A play based program featuring play time in a well-resourced early learning environment, Family time with songs and stories, and outdoor play!
ABC Time (School Readiness Program)
Pre-registration needed
Tuesdays from 1:00 to 3:00pm
This program has been designed for children who will be moving from our Family Resource Program into kindergarten. Building on the trusting relationship they already have with staff in the playroom, each child can move with increasing confidence to practice the skills they need to succeed in school, as well as becoming familiar with basic pre-literacy concepts in a small group setting, and learning to work cooperatively with others while experiencing learning as fun.
Parenting Programs
Other Parenting Programs
Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program is voluntary and free of charge and is offered to parents during the critical early years of childhood, from birth to age five. Our Nobody’s Perfect Program is designed to be responsive to the needs of parents. The program is preventative and aims to build strong relationships between parent and child. The atmosphere is relaxed, allowing parents to share and learn in a supportive and supported environment.
Typically co-facilitated by two trained facilitators, the two hour sessions are held on Friday mornings over a period of six to eight weeks. Childcare, refreshments and resource materials are provided.
What do parents get out of it?
For parents, it is an opportunity to increase their knowledge and understanding of their children's health, safety and behaviour.
Parents gain:
A set of accessibly written materials dealing with relevant parenting and self-care concerns
An improved coping ability in the face of the challenges that come with parenting
An increase of self-help and mutual support between the participating parents
Improved confidence and self-image
A safe environment to discuss parenting concerns
Support from trained facilitators
All Parenting Programs require pre-registration. Please call us at 604-872-6757 or email Flora Purcell at flora@mpfcs.ca
Parents will have the opportunity to explore the many inconsistent and bewildering behaviors of their preschool aged child. The program is facilitated by Flora Purcell the Adult Program Coordinator and a trained facilitator of the Neufeld Institute.
This course meets on Friday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 am for a period of six weeks. Childcare, refreshments and resource materials are provided. Cost is $70 per person.
At times, all parents feel lost or clueless about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you. This program can help.
This course meets on Friday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 am for a period of six or seven weeks. Childcare, refreshments and resource materials are provided. Cost is $60-$70 per person.
Music Program

This informal music program allows parents, caregivers and children of all ages to participate in fun enriching musical experiences whether we are singing, playing instruments or moving! Music supports emotional, cognitive and physical development while allowing opportunities for fun and connection.
Cost $60 per child
To register, email: info@mpfcs.ca
Meet Melody! A certified Music Therapist with her own private practice in East Vancouver. Visit her website!

Oct 15 - Nov 19
(40min class)
Circles of Care & Connection
This program provides early childhood development, family support and settlement services to families who came to Canada as refugees with children ages 0-6. The program aims to bridge the gap that families may experience in accessing services within their communities and shortening the pathway between arrival and settling in their new community.
CCC provides consistent and reliable relationships that foster confidence, decrease isolation and support parenting skills. All services are provided in various languages.
On-site services include:
Family drop-in program
Welcome to Canada program - an orientation to Canada through a customized curriculum in a nurturing and safe environment
Parent education and workshops on various topics relevant to newly arrived families
Outreach services include:
Home visits for refugee families with young children settled in Vancouver
Family and child assessments and support
Settlement support with a focus on bridging families into their new communities
Referrals to other community programs and agencies
Advocacy in all areas as required
Support in accessing early childhood development and elementary school resources
Field trips and special events
For more information, please contact us at 778-372-6552 or info@mpfcs.ca
Other CCC Programs
Our Family Drop In is open Monday to Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30 am and from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
For more information, please contact us at 778-372-6552 or info@mpfcs.ca
*Please check our calendar for upcoming dates!
**For more information, please contact us at info@mpfcs.ca